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ParPlot-Operator Example
This operator creates an 3D-object evaluating threedimensional
parametric functions {x(u,v),y(u,v),z(u,v)} such as a torus or
the Mobius strip. The created object may be rendered in conjunction
with the ColorCube-Operator and using phong-shading later.
Name Possible Values/Unit Description
Ouput STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8, output buffer
TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
x valid expression in u and v coordinate x(u,v) to evaluate
y valid expression in u and v coordinate y(u,v) to evaluate
z valid expression in u and v coordinate z(u,v) to evaluate
uMin, float u-range
uMax, float
uCount integer
vMin, float v-range
vMax, float
vCount integer
Red, 0...255 object-color
Grid ON, OFF draw an additional grid
GRed, 0...255 grid-color
Listview (gadget) some nice presets
Because this operator supports the PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global Render-Settings -Window.
Important Note: This PlugIn uses a coordinate-system which is much more
"handy" than Wildfire's standard coordinate-system
to create function-plots:
y^ z^
| /z | /y
|/ |/
---> x ---> x
"standard" ParPlot
Because this coordinate system is only used while creating
the objects all view-settings work as usual.